
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mercedes Benz E350 Coupe Pictures


Square is the new round, at least as headlights go with the 2010 coupe versions of the E-Class. And the front end treatment — reflecting the stylistic Cubist-think of last year's Fascination show car — just scratches the surface of this handsome coupe that replaces the CLK in Mercedes' model lineup. There is a rakish bluntness to the nose that's consistent with the C-Class's new look, sharp creases that displace the CLK's more rounded forms, and rear fender shapes reminiscent of the 1955 S 220 "Ponton" Mercedes that are also seen in the 2010 E-Class sedan, proving once again that virtually anything will come back into style if you wait long enough. The look is wider, lower and longer.

Post Title Mercedes Benz E350 Coupe Pictures